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I have experimented with using videos as a way to show the news. Whether it is full of interviews, activities available around the school, or reasons to join journalism, I have worked with taking our news to the next level. It has been proven that people today have shorter attention spans; they want to get as much done as possible and jump from one activity to the next. I create videos that are short and interesting enough to grab their attention. I usually work with iMovie, where I make the set of video clips flow easily and audio become crisp and clear.

Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome

The DECA Prom Fashion Show is a yearly event at South. Last year, I had written about it and had included a photo slideshow. This year, I chose to do something different; I took interview videos of the models and teachers in charge of the event and created a broadcast video. This was my third time using iMovie for journalism purposes, so I was able to create the video easily.

Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome
Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome

Similar to the DECA Prom Fashion Show, I had covered the Trunk or Treat last year as a photo collage and wanted to do something different. I took videos at the event and interviewed people who made the Trunk or Treat possible. I used what I learned from making the Positive Outlets video to make this one successful.

Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome
Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome

Every year, the journalism staff works in groups to create recruitment videos for the class. This was the one that my group and I made together. We shot the video footage, and I edited it all together through iMovie.

Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome
Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome

This was the first video I had made for the journalism class. I experimented with iMovie and learned how to make an effective video.

Multimedia Broadcast: Welcome

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