For The Bird Feed (thebirdfeed.org), we use a web program called Sno. While we are fairly new to using it, we have looked at the different ways to improve our writing. I have taught the staff how to use options within Sno, such as Breaking News, Polls, and Sports Updates, and encourage them to update these areas frequently. I also make a schedule for the class so that a new article is posted daily. To make our stories stand out, wr also use programs such as side-by-side container, which allows readers to see point-counterpoint articles together and interactive maps that show you where each sports game took place, when it took place, and what happened there. I look over each article and edit every element to it: text, picture, video, or interactive graphics to make sure everything looks professional on our website.

In the "Breaking News" section, we put up incoming information about things happening around the school and around the world. Students update thus daily.

We get the students' opinions through the polls we put up on the website. Whether it's asking "do you think Oprah should be President" or "what is your New Year's resolution", the students get to voice their opinions. Sometimes, this inspires one of the staff to write an article about it. We update this monthly.

Through the many sports that go on at school, it can be difficult to keep track of who won a certain game. The Bird Feed makes it easy by keeping every game posted on the site. The most recent scores flash through the screen. We update this after every game.